2018年12月10~14日,2018年AGU(American Geophysical Union)秋季会议在美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区召开,倪广恒教授与课题组成员马玉、邢月博士参加了此次会议。倪广恒教授作了题为“A deep reservoir in the 21st century: a new modelling approach”的报告。马玉、邢月分别作了题为“The Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution in Small Scale due to Urban Land-Use Difference: A Case Study of the “7.16” Storm in Beijing”和“Synergistic effects ofurbanization and lake on summer extreme rainfall in the emerging Xiong’an NewArea, China”的poster展示。 倪广恒教授作口头报告 马玉博士作poster展示 邢月博士作poster展示 倪广恒教授、马玉博士、邢月博士在AGU会场合影 |